Friday, September 24, 2010

Intermodal Shipping Containers

For quite some time I've been fascinated by intermodal containers. This fascination began through observing these units traveling on rails or by truck, a versatility that appeals to me. They are also so standardized, uniform in nature. I also for some time enjoyed collecting models of truck and trailers manufactured by a model train company. These containers can be stacked and configured in such a wide variety, creating an ever changing environment and landscape.

I'm also drawn to the strength and solidity of these units. Built of steel to withstand the tests of shipping and protecting its contents, everything about them is designed for heavy use. I find the door design appealing in terms of the large hinge assemblies and latch configurations.

These intermodal units also hearken back to the wooden crate. These containers act as storage and also as a way to transport objects in a more efficient and safe manner. The logistics of operating a seaport, with imports and export flows, is not only complex but is truly made possible by these interchangeable containers.

1 comment:

  1. Intermodal shipping containers are definitely one of the most versatile types of container. Did you know that nowadays, it is also used for building construction such as energy-efficient homes or even as hotels? It is now becoming trendy because shipping containers are very durable and can last longer, which are very good alternative shelter. People found out that this is not only for shipping, but also for storage purposes and shelter.

    -Valentina Moors
