Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Lincoln Logs

Lincoln Logs bring back a lot of memories for me. Growing up, I'd gather scrap lumber from around my family's farm and build structures, a mini barn or fort in a sense.

I would build all kinds of things with my Lincoln Logs, often building industrial-themed structures like piers.

Part of the process of building is being willing to tear-down and start over. There is this aspect of the temporal, an installation that exists differently every time it is set-up.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Working Process

This site is an attempt to document my working process and act as a sketchbook, a place for exploration.

I attended two influential ceramic workshops this summer, both of which focused on the glazing process. This has helped me to approach surfaces in a much more painterly fashion.

Just as I feel a connection between sculpture and painting, my interests also center around architecture. I've brought an image of Frank Lloyd Wright's Fallingwater, one of his most well known architectural accomplishments. There is a beauty in the closeness to nature and in the simple coexistence.

I've always enjoyed building things. Over the years I've enjoyed such things as Lincoln Logs, Legos, model trains, etc. In fact, one of Wright's sons was the inventor of Lincoln Logs. My creative process has been a lifelong pursuit, from a young age constructing various buildings and sets.

I've been thinking more lately about interchangeable units, and in particular Lincoln Logs. With only a handful of standard pieces, an infinite number of structures are possible. It is this kind of exploration and curiosity of the possibilities that I'd like to bring to my work.